Monday, September 24, 2012

About the Blog

This blog was created as part of an ongoing project for a prehistoric archaeology class, and is meant to address the origins of art in our world. As a double-major in the fields of Anthropology and Art History, this blog provides a platform for me to combine my interests and to fuel my investigation on the development of art as we know it today.

Paleolithic cave painting from the Lascaux Cave complex in southwestern France



  1. Well done! Congratulations! ;)
    Aussi élégant qu'instructif. Je compte sur toi pour me servir de Guide dans ma propre exploration de l'Histoire de l'Art ;)
    Je garderai un oeil attentif et intéressé sur tes mises à jour...
    A bientôt.

  2. Genial! Very well done ... bravo! Easy to read and very interesting. Bien ecrit ... Makes you want to know more on the subject.
    Je le note pour le suivre regulierement. Super ... continue!
